Sunday, November 4, 2007

What's Really Ruinning The Industry?? (promo video for i-tunes music video)
I have to say that I completely disagree that i-tunes is responsible for ruining the music industry, before i-tunes I downloaded for free and since i-tunes has been introduced I have paid for more CD’s than I ever did before. Music is now cheaper and more easily accessible for everyone. Artists always complain about illegal downloading, well i-tunes provides a solution. Illegal downloading is never going to stop, the music industry, for the most part, just keeps getting greedier and greedier. Artists are supposed to be in this industry to share their talent, not to make 10 million a year when they already make 7 million a year, who needs that much money anyways? And with the amount of money that they have, when you read the tabloids anyways… none of them are happy! So, I’m pretty sure I-tunes isn’t ruining the industry, I think that some of the loose canons that they let into the industry are. Would the music industry not be a lot more respectable without Britney Spears as a member?? I know it’s all about the money, but maybe the music exec’s should think about the group of artists that they’ve hired under them who have made scenes, gone to rehab and come to be a little nutty as the cause of lost record sales and not blame the legal downloading system that a lot of people have come to love.

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