Friday, November 23, 2007

Taser Death At Airport (video of the taser death)

I just don’t understand… how could this have happened in today’s society? Are we not a multicultural country, do we not have people that can understand and speak different languages when someone is clearly distraught? I was disturbed by this video, in more than one way it worked at destroying the friendly understanding Canadian image and helped to create one for us of hatred and violence. I couldn’t grasp, in my head, why this man needed to be tasered! He was lost, he was visibly confused and just needed help, and the only way he began to throw things was because people and security guards were treating him like an animal. If I was in a foreign country and could not speak the language and people were staring and pointing instead of attempt to help me I would be furious and humiliated! Humiliation causes people to act up, and I believe that these security guards and this airport were not taking this man seriously in the slightest. Next time I go to the Vancouver airport I’m going to walk in a straight line, keep to myself, and not say a word… with a story like this you can never know what could happen!!

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