Saturday, October 20, 2007

Sex and Marriage with Robots? Are You Kidding?

Would your wife look like this? ... no pores in her skin? sharp movements? recorded voice?

At first when I saw this article ( I was wondering what it could possibly have to say about marrying and being intimate with a robot and as soon as they got to “... once you have a story like ‘I had sex with a robot, and it was great!’ appear someplace like Cosmo magazine, I’d expect many people to jump on the bandwagon,” I was in shock. Clearly this scientist has never read Cosmo! Cosmo has articles like ‘His Nine Pleasure Triggers’ and ‘Feel Sexier Naked- Now’, not go be with an object that doesn’t carry a heartbeat or breathe. So, I continued with the article thinking a better argument would turn up to sway my decision…

Haven’t found one yet… next point says that what makes people fall in love -personality and having another be interested in them- can be PROGRAMMED into a robot! I don’t know if I’m alone in this, but even when a REAL guy is told to ask a girl out by one of her best friends I find it fake, let alone having someTHING be told by a computer chip. Why not just date the scientist who has the same personality as you? Then they started on the topic of sex and the programmed robot. At least sex toys are recognized as toys and not lovers- this makes a bit of sense to me. With these robots they are going to program them to vibrate and give them responses to blurt out during sex- all I can imagine is words being broken into their syllables by these robots while they try their hand at “sexy”.

Still no sign of a reasonable remark… this one just seems to be the weirdest one of them all. This reasoning is for the people who can’t find someone to love who loves them back. This one is for the people who are lonely and want to be made happier. “The main benefit of human-robot marriage could be to make people who otherwise could not get married happier,” – would that not make most people more depressed? If I can’t find someone to share my life with when I’m older, I’m sure as hell not going to buy ‘my prince charming’ at the local future shop! Is it even healthy for someone to form a personal intimate relationship with something that can’t think for itself? “it” being the main word. Will this not make a lot of people a lot more antisocial, assuming people actually fall for this kind of lifestyle.

My prediction for the future of robots is that they remain robots, not husbands or wives. Robots should and hopefully will remain as machinery to do jobs that humans don’t want and experiments with/on. If this does become a reality in 2050, as predicted, I’ll kick myself for thinking the idea was so ridiculous that society wouldn’t have it, but I sure won’t be taking a robot out for a night on the town.

*when i was writting this blog it wouldnt let me add pictures*

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