Sunday, September 30, 2007


I’ve never really understood it, just how can you designate someone to be the greatest someone at something that doesn’t have any guidelines or specific requirements, no separate categories and no real way of comparing competitors. I know you can say the smartest mathematician in the world, or the fastest runner or the highest jumper – because you’ve compared them to others in the same category, but how do you say the greatest Hamiltonian? In going through the different people who are up for the spot I got to thinking, how can you really judge this? One person has been to outer space, some politicians, some made their careers in the medical field, and the list goes on. How do you compare doctor’s accomplishments with an astronaut’s? Is it even possible? I wouldn’t even know how to begin to decide who would win. Maybe little designations like these are how society decides the importance of different professions and different qualities in people. Maybe this is how we tell not only which person we like best or who does the best for our world, but which kind of people we like best and which kind of people we value the most. I don’t believe that there is one best kind of person or that we can choose from a group of amazing candidates to say who the best is when they might not even have one similar quality shared between them.

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